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MPAA Rating - PG13

    99 Minutes


Original Release Date:
    Apr 17, 2001

    Michael Lehmann

    Uma Thurman, Janeane Garofalo, Ben Chaplin, Jamie Foxx, James McCaffrey

Movie Summary
In this updated and gender-reversed variation on Cyrano de Bergerac, Janeane Garofalo stars as Abby, the host of a radio talk show for people who have problems with pets. One day, she gets a call from Brian (Ben Chaplin) who is having trouble with his Great Dane (who enjoys roller skating). After a few minutes on the phone, Brian is immediately taken with Abby, and shes certainly interested in him. However, while Abby is not unattractive, shes terribly self-conscious about her appearance. When he asks her for a description, instead of telling him shes a diminutive brunette with big brown eyes, she describes her neighbor Noelle (Uma Thurman), a tall, rail-thin, blue eyed blonde. When Ben sets up a date, Abby is frantic and convinces Noelle to take her place. However, while Abby sounds smart, witty and charming over the radio (or the telephone), Noelle speaks like -- well, I think the phrase dumb blonde is called for here. Brian becomes puzzled -- why is it Abby is so great on the phone but so inarticulate in person? And whats the story with her friend, the cute brunette who sounds so smart? Noelle is even more confused; she wants to help her friend, but shes finding herself falling for Brian as well. The Truth About Cats and Dogs gave Ben Chaplin his first role in an American film and Janeane Garofalos first starring turn after several notable supporting performances. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide


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